Camping Inimi i Atar

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Atar, Mauritania
Kontakter telefon: +222 27 55 45 37
Latitude: 20.5012802, Longitude: -13.0601478
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Kommentar 5

  • Blandine Cl

    Blandine Cl


    Sid Ahmed nemoud et sa famille sont très chaleureux et accueillant en toute simplicité , spontanément. Nemoud tient aussi une agence de voyages sahara trekkinget m a organisé un circuit découverte de l Adrar trek et 4x4 inoubliable et à bon prix. Je le recommande grandement car c est un guide responsable à l écoute et qui a toujours une anecdote originale à raconter sur son pays.

  • Mickaël Tricot

    Mickaël Tricot


    Arrivé par hasard à l'auberge Inimi, Sid'Ahmed (le gérant) m'a accueilli chaleureusement, m'a aidé à organiser l'ensemble de mon séjour dans la région et m'a traité comme un membre de sa famille. L'auberge / camping est simple et économique, très bien pour découvrir la vie en Mauritanie, sa culture et sa générosité.

  • Juan F

    Juan F


    Great place to stay in Atar, very cozy and relaxed, it makes you feel at home. The owner is great, very nice, up to help in any way possible and very knowledgeable. Totally recommended!

  • Tereza Dohnalová

    Tereza Dohnalová


    This is place is just awesome. The rooms are simple but nice and clean, you'll get the real mauritanian vibe there. There is an option of air conditioning for extra cost, which you'll definitely appreciate in the sahara heat. The best thing here is the owner-one of the loveliest people I've ever met. He was so helpful and kind, he helped us organize all the trips, chatted with us over the tea and shared his wisdom with us, and thanks to him I feel like I got to know Mauritania much better. I would love to come back one day and I definitely recommend this place to all of u guys traveling to Mauritania! :)

  • hobby ho

    hobby ho


    the owner is a very good, nice and helpful man, a nice place to stay with a very valuable price, good to stay under the stars for sleeping and looking at the galaxy, definitely will come again. there is an awesome super big tree in the garden which give a very good shade if you choose to camp here.

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