La Palmeraie Cafe & Bakery i Nouakchott

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Rue Ahmed Ould Mohamed, Nouakchott, Nouakchott, MR Mauritania
Kontakter telefon: +222 37 03 17 12
Latitude: 18.0890789, Longitude: -15.9829751
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Kommentar 5

  • David Degner

    David Degner


    A fancy, clean restaurant ideal for eating a dinner of pizza and hamburgers. It also has a nice bakery with slightly expensive sweets and coffee. Sometimes their internet is good, and it works well as a place to spend the afternoon relaxing in the garden. They haven't been turning on the lately though so inside can be stuffy and hot.

  • Mohamed El-Alem

    Mohamed El-Alem


    A good place to have a breakfast, I would give 4 stars for the bakeries and 3 stars for the coffee..

  • Mah Yehdih

    Mah Yehdih


    One of the best cafe/bakery in nuakchott . it is actually the only place where i eat unworried of getting food poisend later , which reprensent a big achievement in nuakchott.

  • Mulham Aryan

    Mulham Aryan


    Good place for meeting except mosquitoes at night

  • Abdullah Armagan

    Abdullah Armagan


    Very nice place, outdoor area is beautiful and one of the few green spaces in this city. Breakfast choices are good, but the coffee is a bit bland. The pastry and bread selection is good, and baked fresh daily.

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